All-in-one COVID-19 map of Taichung City for English speakers

Our Taichung City map shows all covid-related locations to easily find:

  • Where and how to get tested or vaccinated for SARS-CoV2
  • Footprints of confirmed covid cases
  • Locations for disinfection by the Environmental Protection Bureau

To quickly find the locations you're interested in:

  • Scroll, zoom, and drag to move to an area you want to check
  • Use the side menu (button top left) to select location types and days
  • Click a pin for address and appointment data, when other confirmed cases visited a footprint location, and disinfection info.
  • Check the legend below our map to understand pin colors and map functions
  • Read the advanced user guide if it's your first visit

Some pins point to large areas like parks and shopping streets. Disinfection teams or confirmed cases may have visited several spots in the area around the pin.

open-menu-icon open menu to show/hide dates/types
mint-green-health-pin testing/vaccination for English speakers
yellow-health-pin testing/vaccination for Chinese speakers
pink-foot-pin confirmed case footprint
purple-check-pin planned or completed disinfection
social-share-icon share map with friends and family
open-full-map-icon open map in new window or navigation app

Important notes about the health facilities on our map:

  • Recommended means they offer certain products of services in English but it differs greatly per facility. Click on a mint-green pin to read all the details.
  • Please visit a health facility close to your location. At some facilities we found only 1 or 2 heroes that speak English and are willing to help outside of their normal duties. So be kind and respectful. Or, if you have a translator, consider the yellow pins.
  • Hospitals often cover large areas and have multiple entrances so we've tried to put our pins close to where they test or vaccinate. More info in the details.

Detailed instructions for Taichung City COVID map

Click the button in the top left corner of the map to open the sidebar. Now choose for which dates you want to show or hide locations. Scroll down for more options.

When you click a pin on the map it shows extra information on the left or below on mobile devices. You can scroll down in that menu for additional info and links.

Click the button in the top right corner to open our map in a new browser window or in your Google Maps app on mobile devices. On phones you may have to switch to landscape mode to see the button.